The Source For Legitimate Locksmiths

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Learn More About 1-800-Unlocks

1-800-Unlocks simplifies the connection between customers and high-quality local professional locksmiths.

Whether you need a locksmith for automotive, residential, commercial, safe, or access control services, simply enter your zip code and look for either a verified or featured locksmith. Alternatively, you can also dial 1-800-UNLOCKS (800-865-6257) and enter your zip code. Your call will then instantly transfer to our pre-screened and approved featured partner locksmith in the area.

We are different from all other directories because we focus on quality over quantity. When searching for a local company to hire, you will not find hundreds of fake listings with inaccurate information. In fact, that was one of the driving factors for our development.

Sam Wilson – owner and licensed locksmith.

Years ago, when searching for locksmiths in other cities, the owner of 1-800-Unlocks, Sam Wilson, a licensed locksmith in Richmond, VA, was shocked to see just how many fake business listings were being shown in many well-known, and supposedly well-researched home services websites.

It was at that moment that Sam made it his mission and goal to build a clean directory of peer-reviewed locksmiths. This way, customers would have a safe place to find local affordable locksmiths.

All of our verified and featured locksmith members must be screened thoroughly to ensure professionalism in light of the fact that locksmiths are not required to be licensed in every State.

As of 2020, licensing has not been able to stop illegal locksmith activities. Consumers should be aware that illegal locksmiths are prevalent online and in phone books. The illegal locksmiths and locksmith scammers are deceiving the public with their advertising tactics. Do not trust the $19 service call and always ask for your receipt!

At our core,1-800-Unlocks is a digital marketing company for locksmiths.  We work hard to help locksmiths grow their revenue. We also work to educate consumers about illegal locksmith scams through our Blog and Facebook page.

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