Car Key Copy

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Key Copy Services For Metal Keys, Transponder Keys, & High-Security Keys

We use precise key machines that are calibrated perfectly.

How do I get a copy of my car key? Searching for an ‘auto locksmith near me‘ or a ‘locksmith for cars’? There are many choices for car key copy services, but only one that guarantees to get the job done right the first time at a fair price: contact a legitimate locksmith, period. If you go to a big box hardware store to copy keys, you run the risk of shoddy duplication by an untrained professional using a non-calibrated key machine. If you go to a dealer, you will be priced gauged for what amounts to basic locksmith service. It’s truly that simple.

Car key copies are the best way to avoid being stranded when you lose or damage a primary key, and car key duplication should be performed by a professional locksmith. Legitimate locksmiths learn to cut keys from the beginning of their careers and therefore have the expertise and pride in workmanship you need to rely upon to get a key copied.

Our locksmiths offer unparalleled customer service. A car key copy is not just a simple copy to them. They care enough to double-check their work and make sure that the key works as smoothly as possible in your lock. Does a hardware store know to tip stop or shoulder stop your key? Do they know how to check the cuts with a micrometer? Do they know what the depth and spacing of your key should be? Do they know how to hand file a key to make minor adjustments to ensure it works smoothly? Will they come out to your car to test the key and lubricate the lock if needed?

Duplicate Key Services

When you trust car key duplication to untrained hardware store clerks, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment when the duplicated key does not work in your car. Sure, the advertised price may be a few dollars different from a locally owned family business, but you get what you pay for without wasting half the day driving from store to store to store. Professional locksmiths not only guarantee their auto key cutting work, they will gladly come to you, saving you a trip to the store. Plus, locksmiths offer services others do not, such as bent key repair, high-tech key programming and cloning, and car lock rekeying. You will not find a hardware store clerk anywhere willing or able to offer the expertise of a qualified locksmith.

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